Friday 5 June 2020

Mobile App Master

Your privacy is important to Mobile App Master. Sometimes we need information to provide services that you request; this privacy statement applies to Mobile App Master and its products.

If you are resident in the EU, EEA , Switzerland OR From Any Part OF The World


We process Your profile data (name, phone number etc.) and information about your device , IP address and location to provide, improve, analyze and personalize the Services for You. We have enhanced our privacy center to provide You with more ability to access and control Your data. Subject always to obtaining your prior consent, we may: provide your information to third parties (such as Google and advertising networks) to serve more relevant advertisements or special offers and promotions to You We do not: store or share any personal information of contacts from Your address book or provide reverse number look up of contacts from Your address book.


Mobile App Master may use some providers to show ads. These Ads providers use Cookie only to identify your device, then show ads that are relevant to our app's kind. We don't share any users' data with them.


In addition to the sharing and disclosure of personal information WE may disclose personal information if we believe such action is necessary to: 
1: comply with the law, or legal process served on us; 
2: protect and defend our rights and the enforcement of our agreements; or 
3: protect the security and safety of Users or members of the public or other aspects of public importance, provided, of course, that such disclosure is lawful.

Non-Personal Information

The information which does not identifies you and can not be used to contact you personally. It includes “your date of birth”, “age”, “ZIP code”, “your city”, “gender” as well as the information about your mobile device such as unique device ID, Internet Protocol (IP) address, or other persistent identifiers, and their hardware/software/firmware. It also includes “usage data” which identifies the browser you use, identity of other apps on device, game process, play time, score and achievements, and URLs you visited and/or apps you used before after using our Apps. We will not collect any Personal Information from you simply by virtue of your visiting our product; we only collect it if you choose to submit it to us. We do, however, collect Non-Personal Information such as device IDs, IP addresses and other persistent identifiers, as well as Usage Data, whenever you use our Website/Apps. Such Non-Personal Information is not combined with Personal Information unless you choose to submit Personal Information to us. Some of our games/Apps may read your device to determine what other apps have been installed and Non-Personal Information, such as your city and gender, may be inferred based on the identity of those apps.If you choose to submit your Personal Information to us for any other reason in any other form, we will collect such Personal Information and use it for the purposes for which you submitted it.

Included Third Party Services

Our services may contain third party tracking tools from our service providers, Such third parties may use cookies, APIs, and SDKs in our services to enable them to collect and analyze user information. The third parties may have access to information such as your device identifier, Media Access Control (“MAC”) address, International Mobile Equipment Identity (“IMEI”), locale (specific location where  a given language is spoken), geo-location information, and IP address.

Featuring Ad Networks:

Ads appearing on our services (Games/Apps) may be delivered to users by advertising partners (Third party), who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your Device each time they send you an online advertisement to compile non personal identification information about you or others who use your Device. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This privacy policy does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers. We are currently using below mentioned ads network. You may visit their privacy policy pages to learn more.

i) Admob privacy policy
ii) Unity Privacy policy

Special Care about Children Policy:

Children's Privacy We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. We take special precautions respecting users children’s. If a user chooses to register, they can input a date of birth, user name and email address to set up an account. The user’s account is limited to participating in those aspects of the Services that are deemed to be appropriate for users; features of our Services that may involve the possibility of posting personal information, such as comments, are automatically disabled. Immediately upon registration, the user’s email address is turned into an encrypted format, which we can’t read and which is used to authenticate the user login process.We do not permanently store the email addresses of users in a recoverable format because we do not retain the email addresses of users in a usable form after initial registration. We have no means of initiating contact with such users by email after registration. The user name of registered users is not used as a means to contact such users. We do not collect more personal data than is necessary to respond to a question or one-off request from a user. To provide parental notice or to obtain parental consent, nor do we distribute to third-party any personal information collected from children without parental consent. Parents are invited to review our privacy policy.

Modifications in the Policy:

Mobile App Master reserve the right to change this Policy at any time. If we decide to change this Policy, we will post those changes on this page and update the date at the top of the page. The changes will be effective when posted. Please check this page on a regular basis so that you remain aware of what information we collect and how we use it.

Acceptance of the terms:

By using Mobile App Master games and Apps, you agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not accept the terms in this policy. Please do not use our games and Apps. The continued use of our products after any amendment of this privacy policy will be deemed your acceptance of the changes and/or new terms. Your continued use of Services will signify your acceptance of the changes to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy and/or practices, please contact us at:

Mobile App Master

Your privacy is important to Mobile App Master. Sometimes we need information to provide services that you request; this privacy statement a...